Demand High-Quality Math Curricula!

NYC Reads is the largest investment NYC Public Schools has made in literacy and reading instruction over two decades.

While we fully support this transformational first step, we urge NYC Public Schools to make a separate and bold investment in high-quality curricula and professional learning for math.

While literacy is the foundation for reading and learning, a strong math foundation is also essential for students to excel in various disciplines, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. A strong math foundation, especially in middle school, is crucial for students to navigate complex problem-solving scenarios, critical thinking, and future career pursuits.

Concerningly, NAEP scores in mathematics among New York City eighth-graders recently reached their lowest mark since 2007. Just as NYC Reads will ensure all students receive research-based reading instruction, we need a similar focus on evidence-based math curricula to enhance students' skills and comprehension.

We need New York City leadership to narrow the set of curricular options to ones we know are high quality, through deep engagement and feedback from educators, make bold investments in 3-5 years of aligned professional learning, and help dismantle the stereotypes and biases that have historically excluded many students from seeing themselves as capable in math.

Join us and call for a separate and bold investment in high-quality curricula and professional learning for math. Let’s equip our students with the skills they need to thrive.