Tell City Leaders: Improve NYC Reads PL to Support Diverse Learners!
Teachers who receive effective professional learning (PL) have more positive views of their instructional materials, greater confidence in using them, and a reduced need for supplementary resources.
Yet, many are not getting the PL they need. While support exists, educators are calling on city leaders to provide stronger, sustained PL to meet the needs of New York City’s diverse learners.
NYC Reads was necessary because prior to its rollout, only 38% of educators said their curricula were high-quality and aligned with learning standards–negatively impacting students and creating large disparities for Black and Latino students.
However, we can only get this shift right with the voices of teachers front and center. A staggering 69% of educators still need supplementary materials to meet student needs, while 20% have received no instructional coaching at all.
We urge city leaders to improve NYC Reads professional learning by:
• Strengthening PL for all implementation phases
• Building teachers’ capacity to lead PL in their schools
• Sustaining district support for at least three years
• Providing focused resources to help teachers adapt materials for diverse learners
This need is especially critical for educators who teach students with disabilities and English learners.
This change may require time and sustained commitment, but the time to act is now. Tell New York City leaders to provide professional learning that truly supports all learners.