Tell Your District: Share the Plan for the READ Act Rollout

The recent legislative session concluded with a significant victory for Minnesota’s educators and students. As part of the READ Act, tens of millions of dollars have been allocated for its implementation and high-quality professional learning.

This is a huge opportunity! Now is the time to capitalize on this momentum and ensure that resources reach educators. Urge your district to share its plan, tailored to the READ Act provisions, that prioritizes teacher support and student success.

With these substantial investments, it’s crucial that we, as educators, are informed of our district’s official plan for professional learning. We need to understand how we’ll be engaged, the support we’ll receive, and how success will be measured.

This is especially important because only 35% of educators nationwide report having built-in follow-up meetings to refine curricular implementation. Only 38% have received subject-specific professional learning, and fewer than half have curriculum-based professional learning—despite its proven effectiveness.

We don’t want to follow these concerning trends. Instead, we aim to make our schools a national model for literacy instruction.

So, tell your district: Share the official plan for the READ Act rollout. Let’s ensure that educators are fully equipped to implement the Act effectively and drive student success.